Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 24 November 2019


Semester is coming to an end at my teaching assignment. A little too stretched preparing notes for the final classes and conducting them. Though the days before Sunday was class free, I had to spent them on class preparation, the occupation continued till Sunday noon. By evening I went to town to our Cathedral church where they were getting ready for the feast of the Christ the Kind with procession and such. Since I had to take the 8 PM bus to my village, I couldn't stay there for long.

The grace to accept that no one and nothing is perfect, the humility to understand the folks around us are even more so and we ourselves are flawed in many ways. Perhaps the greatest gift one can receive is to have the humbleness to understand and live accordingly. No easy task, as we know, many lives have perished around this rock of destruction. In terms of a mate, to receive someone who thinks and lives that way is a blessing, indeed.

Such were my thoughts when I was walking around my town after the visit to the church in the evening, taking pictures..

The month of November is coming to an end so very fast and we are on December quickly and Christmas is here. Enjoy the advent my dear friends.

Sunday 17 November 2019


It was raining heavily the last few days. Sunday morning was overcast and cloudy. What more to say, woke up late and did not go to church. Spent the day practicing some stars and snowflakes for the Christmas cards.

By evening the sun broke free, by that time, the bus to town had already left. So, a day, more or less, at home in the village, alone. 
We were poor and uninformed without any friends or powerful relatives. We followed You and Your ways and you blessed us with wisdom and knowledge and gave us the courage and grace to hold ourselves when our country became independent and doors were opened to all to everywhere.

Yes, there were moments, when we doubted ourselves and our own worth when we competed against the best of our country who came from different backgrounds, You were there for us, in our hearts as a person, a distinct personality, perfect like a Guru, consoling and guiding us.

Thank you, Lord, our journey is on, please don't let us do anything to loose You and ourselves. 

Monday 11 November 2019

Cyclone Bul Bul Sunday

The week that went by was full with work. The coming week is going to be same with the classes where I teach will term off for the semester. I was preparing class notes late into the Saturday night and woke up very late for the Morning mass on Sunday. On my way to St. Joseph's in the evening the shared auto rickshaw took a level cross halt and I could walk around a bit before we resumed our trip.  It was a beautiful golden evening in our village a perfect ending to a warm sunny day. One couldn't help thinking of the misery of the unfortunate folks of Bengal where cyclone BulBul have made the landfall. We were facing the same predicament two weeks ago. 

At St. Joseph's I came across the very spirited and enthusiastic elderly Sr.  who lit up my evening. I do not know why I never could talk to her earlier.  Thank you My Lord, for sending Angels my way and also for giving me enough to buy a new phone after the one I lost 60 days ago. It's such a shame I cannot be more careful to not to loose expensive work tools. 

Bless you my friends, may you have the grace to do your thoughts and deeds well. 

Sunday 3 November 2019

Audio Links

Catholic Podcasts

I recently downloaded "the Divine Mercy Prayer" audio file from here. 

Discerning hearts

All Saints/Souls Day

Remembering the Saints and the souls on the first week of November, away from home...

I was hesitant, in-spite of waking up early and getting ready to go to church in the morning, how to get to church on time, transportation in my village was the main turn off. Luckily, while waiting at the bus stop, a man came on a cycle who allowed me to pillion ride him to the next junction from where I got an easy tuk-tuk to the church.

The usually calm priest chose to be stern with a girl from the Children's home, who plays the piano, for coming late and keeping the congregation waiting. He send her back and proceeded with the mass without musical accompaniments.The small church has no replacements nor volunteers as the members are very few.

I felt very happy all along the mass as I could read from the prayer book in the local language which I have been working very hard to learn. A small improvement in my Sunday endearing.

On the street of the small town near my village where I currently live, I have come across a 92 year old homeless Anglo-Indian man who had asked me whether I could buy for him a mouth organ. 

It took me quite a while to honour his request with a Hohner's Ocean Blue. 

The old man had told me he used to play the harmonica a lot and used to consider it as his wife and that he had started playing the instrument from the age of seven. 

The way he started playing the harmonica, the moment he laid his hands on it, more than justified his claim.

Jesus, you opened our eyes to see the world around us and to deal with the people we meet in our lives with love, just as the way You did. Thank you, My Lord, for providing me with enough and blessing me with the mind to go in search of and fulfilling that old man's wish. I pray, My Lord, may you send angels to those like him, especially to those who are old, homeless and friendless, in the hour of their needs. 

Sunday 13 October 2019

5 New Catholic Saints

Pope Francis proclaim 5 new saints as he canonizes four religious and one lay person;

Cardinal John Henry Newman, 
Sister Marian Thresia, 
Sister Giuseppina Vannini, 
Sister Dulce Lopes Pontes, 
Marguerite Bays.

Source: Vatican News

Pope Francis brought the Gospel of Luke into context explaining how the nine lepers who sought the help of Jesus and one only, that too a non-Jewish leper, came to thank Him once they were cured.

Mariam Thresia Mankidiyan

Cardinal Henry John Newman

Saint Cardinal Henry John Newman wrote a lot of songs, this one is particularly suited for the occasion, as saints are our leading lights.

Lead, Kindly Light
Lead, Kindly Light, amidst th'encircling gloom,
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.
I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou
Shouldst lead me on;
I loved to choose and see my path; but now
Lead Thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years!
So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still
Will lead me on.
O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till
The night is gone,
And with the morn those angel faces smile,
Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile!
Meantime, along the narrow rugged path,
Thyself hast trod,
Lead, Saviour, lead me home in childlike faith,
Home to my God.
To rest forever after earthly strife
In the calm light of everlasting life.

Pope Francis quoted the newly proclaimed  Saint John Henry Newman, who had opined the holiness of daily life as: “The Christian has a deep, silent, hidden peace, which the world sees not... The Christian is cheerful, easy, kind, gentle, courteous, candid, unassuming; has no pretence... with so little that is unusual or striking in his bearing, that he may easily be taken at first sight for an ordinary man”

2019, 28th Sunday reflections.

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Psalms 137

Psalms 137:5-6

5. If I forget you Jerusalem
May my right hand forget its skill
6. May my tongue cling to the roof my mouth,
If I do not remember you, 
If I do not consider Jerusalem, 
my highest  Joy. 

As our Nation is celebrating the Shakti Festival for Nine days and Rama Navami, everybody is counting their blessings and thanking God for their blessings with their family and loved ones. 

Family, loved ones, the means to take care of them are perhaps the greatest gifts one can have. Unfortunately, we know, some do not have it. Either the means or the mind to have love and family. For whatever reasons one may not have it, may one know it in ones heart the way life should be. The way ones happiness and joy ought to be. In that ideal Jerusalem, one praise God and pray that everyone have that blessing in their life and be grateful. 

Our blessings may be few, we still remember you Jerusalem, may our right hand forget its skill if we forget you, may our tongue cling to the roof of our mouths if we do not consider you as the highest of our joys. 

A "Gentile" thought. 

Tuesday 24 September 2019


After finishing a work at Chennai I was walking around the streets of Triplicane when I came across a mosque in one of those narrow sub-streets on the Triplicane High road which had a message written on the front door:

"O Allah, open the door of your mercy for me"

I found it very inspiring and encouraging. 

I was at Chennai at the end of a work, which involved lot of hard work and time (over an year)  to accomplish. There were times of stress and anxiety especially towards the end and the fear whether I could pull it off successfully. To start with, in the beginning, there was nothing and I had to think it up with only a very few people to discuss or turn to for advice. 

God, the lord of the host, guided me and encouraged me. 

In this age of technology which is giving us the tremendous opportunity for searching the truth within ourselves and the knowledge in search of truth available everywhere, God, more than ever appears to be real and near with the religious barriers disappearing. 

As we know, God, the creator of the universe reigns supreme and those who follow Him in truth and essence tend to have a harmonic and non-violent benevolence for anything and everything. 

May God bless mankind and the whole universe. 

Monday 19 August 2019


The morning was overcast. Considering the difficulty in finding a less crowded share auto to town I was apprehensive on reaching the church on time. The trick is to wait for that dark horse of an auto, who would jump the line and would head to town before they are fully loaded with passengers. I was lucky last week. This week too.
The sisters who were running a shelter home for abandoned children asked a helping hand for the education of three students. With some networking I could find a benefactor without delay. Thank God.

What surprised me most was the craft work the sisters used to do with needle and paper making awesome greeting cards before old age stopped them from undertaking such work. I wish they would continue the magnificent work.

Before  I could return to my village it started raining. In the low lying plains of our village a drizzle could make puddles.

Monday 5 August 2019


So, the institution where I have an academic collaboration called again for another semster.

A quick round of good byes.

One last look around before to taking the train ..

Wednesday 31 July 2019

We had an old styled priest's quarter at Vallarpadam too. But unfortunately we lost it amidst structural maintenance.
The picture is from St. Lawrence, EdaKochi. The roof on the right still has some very old tiles. We can make that out from the difference in pattern.

Sunday 28 July 2019


Big time events were coming up in the evening celebrating the conclusion of mercy event and everyone was busy getting ready. There were the flower decorators, sound engineers fixing up the microphones, technicians fixing the big screen TVs etc..

Four Bishops were expected, so naturally things has to be taken care of well. After the prayers I stayed for a while and left quietly without waiting for the celebration.

On the way gave a lift to a migrant worker who was waiting in the bus stop to go to town. His grateful smile was my Sunday best.

God bless you all my friends, may we have the grace to think and do the things we have to. May we have the strength to resist the unwanted thoughts which do not have any bearing to our existence. 

Sunday 14 July 2019


Monsoon continue to be withdrawn in Kerala and it turned out to be a beautiful Sunday at Vallarpadam, bright and pleasant. Personally, though work was slow I could work hard for the preparation of peak months. May , June, July & August are slow months, the first three being not just slow but emotionally hurting too.

USWNT's world cup victory, Copa America, Wimbeldon final, ICC cricket final every thing was in the week and kept me cheerful in the evening. So when I came to Vallarpadam on this Sunday  I quietly sat in my corner, not giving chance for distraction, being grateful remembering Psalm 50.

Gratitude as we all know is the greatest of all the sacrifice and offerings.

Sunday 30 June 2019

A sunny Day

The cyclone Vayu took our monsoon away. Ever since the cyclone retreated our rain has stopped.
The day was very warm and bright at Vallarpadam.
The parish church was decorated beautifully to celebrate someone's dream coming true :)

First Rain 2019

I was at Vallarpadam when the first rain of the monsoon came pouring down.

The summer heat had become unbearable and the thrashing rain was a welcome change. 

To watch the rain from the Marian Tower was a wonderful experience. The wall after wall of raindrops stretching all the way to the Arabian sea across the vastness of the back water. 

The church looked majestic and lonely in the rain. 

Monday 27 May 2019

The joy

Blessings are many. Only a very few are blessed with everything that one requires in life. A large majority of us are blessed with only the bare essentials.

Psalms 45:7 reads as " if we love righteousness and hate wickedness we are blessed with joy. "

It is so very true. Few of us have joy. The joy that we have even though we don't have anything at all.  The reading was very revealing for me.

Monday 20 May 2019

A prayer

The creator of heaven and earth, our God, praise and worship, power and authority be always with You. May everyone everywhere who are praying in their own ways be praying to You, The Creator, and they be blessed with your peace and joy. Please do not let anyone anywhere perish. Thank you for allowing us to know more about You from the culture and tradition of the country you let me born in. I pray for the forgiveness of my sins which I have committed in my human impulses by offering the body and blood of Jesus Christ as my sacrifice for reconnecting with You. Not my grace but Your Mercy Father. Thank you Apostles for bringing the good news to us. Thank you Joseph and Mary. 

Sunday 19 May 2019

At Vallarpadam, again!

Though I came back to Kochi a week ago I could make it to Vallarpadam only on the following Sunday. It was very good to be back at my favorite church and its environs. It was about afternoon and the church was not so  full with devotees coming and going. The 4pm Tamil mass was very spirited but I would have preferred a local mass since I haven't been to one in months. I should have come little more early.

My thoughts were jumbled when I left the college after the semester. There were a few things I had started towards the benefit of our students and all those were left in the midway with no way to continue the effort after I left the village. It was rather disappointing, so much of efforts has been put into all those, but then I was also expecting it too. When ones work is under a contract one cannot predict what happens once it ends.
A day and night journey from the East coast to West coast. 
The cyclone Fani was rattling Odissha when I left the East coast village. Luckily we were spared the destruction. Immediately after that Chennai and our area just three hours away from that big town became unbearably hot. Koimbedu, the big bus station at Chennai became my refuge as I waited for the connecting bus from Chennai to Kochi.

Thank you my Lord for the wonderful opportunity to move around, help me do it well and complete the associated requirements on time and well. Bless us with our working tools and the knowledge to use them well. May everyone my Lord have the means to earn their bread and the grace to do it well gratefully. 

Sunday 28 April 2019

Holy Week

The liturgy center on Easter morning. After the Easter mass at night, not many came for the morning mass. 

I observed my holy week at Nellore along with some of the acquaintances. The celebrations were not as big as Christmas though the church took every care to make it auspicious as the occasion demanded. 

We were nearing the end of the semester and the classes were going tight.  Coming to church on everyday during the holy week was too much of a wish but still I could come on Chrism mass day. My life in the village lead me to and through the holy week gracefully. Thanking God for it though I should admit that it was more the circumstances than my attempt. 

The unfortunate events in Sri Lanka and the news about it took our joy away and we mourned for those innocents who lost their lives.

We understand God, the world has not been easy place to live, ever, the threat from the fellow beings being the biggest. We pray God, those who sought violence as their means, may they realize their folly and return. Their brothers and fellow community those who realize that a mistake has been committed,  may they have the courage to stand with the truth. 

Thursday 11 April 2019


Democracy is our greatest gift and elections are its greatest strength, a mechanism that ensures our systems carries on in the direction those great leaders of our freedom movement foresaw. May we all have the grace to use our votes wisely and the process goes on without any interruptions.

The Lent days are on, the meagerness of life has helped a lot in staying in tune with the spirit of the Lent, frugal and abstained. Though it is mostly by circumstances than by choice. Being thankful to be that way.

Sunday 31 March 2019

A Guava gift

May we all have the blessing and grace to think and do what we have to do every moment, every day and all through our remaining days.

A huge wish. Though it may sound simple, perhaps its the greatest wish a man can make. Personally, I have always problem with staying focused. Life seems to happen in phases, there are days which are highly productive and days that are wasted. Even during  a single day, there are hours which are well spent and there are some which are idled.

So here at the small village where I am now in Andhra, when I am bothered with bad time management which spoils my day I know I have to take some time out to get the system corrected. Back in my hometown a visit to the local church is always a very helpful option. Here we do not have much churches around in my reachable neighborhood.

Interestingly, there is a small temple which is visited by thousands on Saturday night. I have found solace in its compound, sit somewhere quietly and meditate.

After my quiet time there, I came out and was watching the dance offering of a group from a distant village when I came across a hardworking young woman I know and her two school going children, the younger one just starting the school. The conversation was so pleasant with the elder boy asking me things about school and studying and I was telling them all I know.

Before they left, they gifted me a Guava.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Sunday at Vallarpdam

The walk around during last Sunday at Nellore, got me down with a swelling on my gums. I wasn't sure whether I could make it to Kochi, where I have to come for meeting some arrangements of life. :) A few days late, I could manage the trip in the hot weather with the help of antibiotics. 

Kochi too, was hot. When I reached the church the 11.30 am mass was on and the church was crowded... a lot of pilgrims from all around. I stood out during the service in the north yard where the sea breeze still blows. Many construction around the church has stopped the wind from blowing and unlike earlier, we cannot be comfortable everywhere around the church if we have to attend the service standing outside in the yard. 
It's been almost a month since I have come to Vallarpadam  so being here on this Sunday was very important for me. Inspite of the emotional and spiritual need I was very distracted after the mass. I did not get the satisfaction of being with the God in meditation. A few things were going on yesterday and the day before yesterday since I came home, the business of life, it had gone well too. Still, I got distracted from holding the whole heart to God for sometime. :(

The church, as always, looked clean and neat, this old stairs to the balcony was so pleasant I couldn't help taking a picture of it. 
As soon as the mass was over everybody left and the church became empty around noon. The heat was having its toll. At Vallarpadam, the church is never so empty. Few dozens of devotees will always be there. But that few do not make our big church in anyway full. 
After having a simple lunch from the Meenakshi Restaurant I came back to the Church and spent some more time. Fr. Abel CMI's, way of the cross was on sale at the church shop, I bought one and read through it. Since I havent gone to church on Ash Wednesday initiating the Lent, the feel of Lent surprised me on my first visit to my Parish Church on Saturday. 

Wish you all a good Week my dear friends, May we all think good and do good and be happy that we could so. May the distractions be not so severe to take our mind of our motto. 

Wednesday 6 March 2019

A hot Sunday

After the Sunday Mass I took a shared auto to the area around the main bus stand. The sun was getting warmer and warmer as it was in the last week. Walking around I found this small hotel who served the most splendid dosas of Nellore. 

Later walking around the crowded business part of old Nellore , I came across this small church named after St. Antony. 

The mass time was over, still the church was open and empty. I could sit there for a while in the cool comfort of the church praising and worshipping all alone. I felt very happy and thanked God for the opportunity. For those of us who have to seek divine help to survive the hurdles of the day such convenient prayer opportunities are God sent indeed. 

On my way out I met a boy who was coming from the presbytery who helped me with reading a board in local language and told me directions on how to go back to the bus stand. He had surprisingly good English. Now looking back I wonder why I did not take his picture. 

I have met some good people in this old town who have been extremely helpful to me. Thank you God 😊

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Nellore Sunday

The village I am at is rather tough on Sunday morning when it comes to the buses to the town. I had missed the 7am by a few minutes and there was no way to reach the 8.30 am mass at the St. Joeph's which was quite far away. My morning turned out to be a long one when a young man on a bike saved me by offering a lift to the bus stop on the main road.
I got to the church before the communion. Though late I was happy that angel man was a big help and that the effort was on on Sunday for the Sunday worship 

Sunday 3 February 2019

St. Joseph's Cathedral, SanthaPet, Nellore

My assignments took me again to Nellore. Town is still in the pleasant glowing warmth of Winter. Surprisingly, the cathedral was closed and was under a major renovation. The service is offered in a makeshift tent in the courtyard. The weather being fine, it felt nice.

Thank you my Lord for giving me one more opportunity to come to this old town. In the last ten years, my life is  closely connected to this town one way or the other.

Sunday 27 January 2019

St. Sebastin

The decorations on the way of the saint's procession. One more year, I am glad that I was home for the feast. Last two years I was away and missed it. 

Saturday 19 January 2019

Amy Wilson Carmichael

Some choices are very hard to make. Last four days I have slumped back to a no action phase. It started after I had a remarkable start to the freelance work I do here back home in Kochi. As the assignments started ticking in I refused to accept four offers which for some reasons I felt wasn't the kind I should do. Then the offers stopped. Five days went by without any engagements and the next one is only on the sixth day. For a highly seasonal work I do, loosing a day means not only loss of revenue but also the opportunity to exercise our craft.

The disappointment did not stop me from pursuing my other interests which eventually took me to the legendary Amy Wilson Carmichael of Dhonavur in Tirunelveli. Oh! what a blessed memory.

I feel very lucky to have come to know about her life and work.

Monday 7 January 2019

May the blessings of the Lord be with you...

The Basilica glowing in the mild January Sun. The weather has been really cool around this December and continues to be so in our Coastal town which is usually warm.
I was visiting The Vallarpadam Basilica after a few months. The quiet time today there at the church was not so quiet at heart. Thoughts came up without any discipline disrupting the usual joyous mode of order and neatness which one enjoy during worship in good days.

My Christmas was away and lonely. I was happy to see the remains of the celebration at my favourite church.
Psalms 129 was the Verse on display in the Church Bible which gave me a very good insight for my meditations even though it was ransacked by emotions. It was the power of the verse and the thoughts that generated which made me restless with the aspects of life which I have to deal more closely.

A silent night, a holy night...
A young family was enjoying the remains of the decorations and the crib when I passed by. To see the comradeship of the father with his very young children was very heart warming. While exchanging greetings with the happy family, I couldn't help thinking of those children and their parents who do not have a happy family. My dear Joseph and Mary, during Christmas what we are made aware of is the love and happiness you both shared and the lesson it is teaching us. I pray my God, may everyone be deserving to enjoy your peace and joy.

Calm and quiet, there were not many pilgrims on the first Sunday of the Year.

No matter whatever be the circumstances that our lives have taken us to, may we never be alone that there is no one to wish us, "The blessings of the Lord be with you" or "We bless you in the name of the Lord"

Wish you all a happy week ahead. May the blessings of the Lord be with you.

Friday 4 January 2019

New Year Resolution

May we resolve in this new year on the basis of our understanding that it is good to give thanks to God and sing praises to His name, that we will thank Him for his kindness in the morning and for His faithfulness in the evening.