Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 3 November 2019

All Saints/Souls Day

Remembering the Saints and the souls on the first week of November, away from home...

I was hesitant, in-spite of waking up early and getting ready to go to church in the morning, how to get to church on time, transportation in my village was the main turn off. Luckily, while waiting at the bus stop, a man came on a cycle who allowed me to pillion ride him to the next junction from where I got an easy tuk-tuk to the church.

The usually calm priest chose to be stern with a girl from the Children's home, who plays the piano, for coming late and keeping the congregation waiting. He send her back and proceeded with the mass without musical accompaniments.The small church has no replacements nor volunteers as the members are very few.

I felt very happy all along the mass as I could read from the prayer book in the local language which I have been working very hard to learn. A small improvement in my Sunday endearing.

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