Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 11 November 2019

Cyclone Bul Bul Sunday

The week that went by was full with work. The coming week is going to be same with the classes where I teach will term off for the semester. I was preparing class notes late into the Saturday night and woke up very late for the Morning mass on Sunday. On my way to St. Joseph's in the evening the shared auto rickshaw took a level cross halt and I could walk around a bit before we resumed our trip.  It was a beautiful golden evening in our village a perfect ending to a warm sunny day. One couldn't help thinking of the misery of the unfortunate folks of Bengal where cyclone BulBul have made the landfall. We were facing the same predicament two weeks ago. 

At St. Joseph's I came across the very spirited and enthusiastic elderly Sr.  who lit up my evening. I do not know why I never could talk to her earlier.  Thank you My Lord, for sending Angels my way and also for giving me enough to buy a new phone after the one I lost 60 days ago. It's such a shame I cannot be more careful to not to loose expensive work tools. 

Bless you my friends, may you have the grace to do your thoughts and deeds well. 

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