Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 24 November 2019


Semester is coming to an end at my teaching assignment. A little too stretched preparing notes for the final classes and conducting them. Though the days before Sunday was class free, I had to spent them on class preparation, the occupation continued till Sunday noon. By evening I went to town to our Cathedral church where they were getting ready for the feast of the Christ the Kind with procession and such. Since I had to take the 8 PM bus to my village, I couldn't stay there for long.

The grace to accept that no one and nothing is perfect, the humility to understand the folks around us are even more so and we ourselves are flawed in many ways. Perhaps the greatest gift one can receive is to have the humbleness to understand and live accordingly. No easy task, as we know, many lives have perished around this rock of destruction. In terms of a mate, to receive someone who thinks and lives that way is a blessing, indeed.

Such were my thoughts when I was walking around my town after the visit to the church in the evening, taking pictures..

The month of November is coming to an end so very fast and we are on December quickly and Christmas is here. Enjoy the advent my dear friends.

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