Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 31 March 2019

A Guava gift

May we all have the blessing and grace to think and do what we have to do every moment, every day and all through our remaining days.

A huge wish. Though it may sound simple, perhaps its the greatest wish a man can make. Personally, I have always problem with staying focused. Life seems to happen in phases, there are days which are highly productive and days that are wasted. Even during  a single day, there are hours which are well spent and there are some which are idled.

So here at the small village where I am now in Andhra, when I am bothered with bad time management which spoils my day I know I have to take some time out to get the system corrected. Back in my hometown a visit to the local church is always a very helpful option. Here we do not have much churches around in my reachable neighborhood.

Interestingly, there is a small temple which is visited by thousands on Saturday night. I have found solace in its compound, sit somewhere quietly and meditate.

After my quiet time there, I came out and was watching the dance offering of a group from a distant village when I came across a hardworking young woman I know and her two school going children, the younger one just starting the school. The conversation was so pleasant with the elder boy asking me things about school and studying and I was telling them all I know.

Before they left, they gifted me a Guava.

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