Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 19 August 2019


The morning was overcast. Considering the difficulty in finding a less crowded share auto to town I was apprehensive on reaching the church on time. The trick is to wait for that dark horse of an auto, who would jump the line and would head to town before they are fully loaded with passengers. I was lucky last week. This week too.
The sisters who were running a shelter home for abandoned children asked a helping hand for the education of three students. With some networking I could find a benefactor without delay. Thank God.

What surprised me most was the craft work the sisters used to do with needle and paper making awesome greeting cards before old age stopped them from undertaking such work. I wish they would continue the magnificent work.

Before  I could return to my village it started raining. In the low lying plains of our village a drizzle could make puddles.

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