Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 7 January 2019

May the blessings of the Lord be with you...

The Basilica glowing in the mild January Sun. The weather has been really cool around this December and continues to be so in our Coastal town which is usually warm.
I was visiting The Vallarpadam Basilica after a few months. The quiet time today there at the church was not so quiet at heart. Thoughts came up without any discipline disrupting the usual joyous mode of order and neatness which one enjoy during worship in good days.

My Christmas was away and lonely. I was happy to see the remains of the celebration at my favourite church.
Psalms 129 was the Verse on display in the Church Bible which gave me a very good insight for my meditations even though it was ransacked by emotions. It was the power of the verse and the thoughts that generated which made me restless with the aspects of life which I have to deal more closely.

A silent night, a holy night...
A young family was enjoying the remains of the decorations and the crib when I passed by. To see the comradeship of the father with his very young children was very heart warming. While exchanging greetings with the happy family, I couldn't help thinking of those children and their parents who do not have a happy family. My dear Joseph and Mary, during Christmas what we are made aware of is the love and happiness you both shared and the lesson it is teaching us. I pray my God, may everyone be deserving to enjoy your peace and joy.

Calm and quiet, there were not many pilgrims on the first Sunday of the Year.

No matter whatever be the circumstances that our lives have taken us to, may we never be alone that there is no one to wish us, "The blessings of the Lord be with you" or "We bless you in the name of the Lord"

Wish you all a happy week ahead. May the blessings of the Lord be with you.

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