Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 31 December 2012

Farewell 2012

My beloved year. Thank you for the lessons.

Singing Auld Lang Syne..:

We can listen to the rendering of this song on youtube:

To learn more about the tradition, wikipedia link :


 The family who is a regular with Carols was out this year too. The dad, always shuts his eyes when I take their picture. This year too he did it on me.
A bunch of new young kids on the block...:)

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Star Collection

Stars from my neighbourhood. Another year, another memory. Except for two houses, which was rebuilt, there was not much change in their star position. One of the two houses, had a big Tamarind tree infront of their house, on which they used to hang their stars and light for Christmas for more than 40 years was cut down this year. 

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas

 Our Crib at home.
 The crib at our local church.
 Big time cribs, outside the church with bigger "everything".
 The star welcoming and wishing the parishoners of our local church.
 A tale of light all around. But the power went for half an hour everywhere. Though powercut was officially lifted for a day.
Another Christmas day. Usually I am broke on Christmas. No matter how hard I try. It has become a kind of tradition for me now (not my parents, I should say!). But this Christmas was not big different.I stayed home mostly and worked on a dream, that kept me going when the rest of the neighbourhood was celebrating.  Two little children gave me company. God bless them.

Did not go to Mary at Vallarpadam. Could have. Chose to stay back and finish something which I got with Her blessing.

Saturday 22 December 2012


An early morning visit to Vallarpadam. When I got there, the morning mass was just about over, and the church goers already left. Few of the elderly parishoners stayed back and was finishing their rosary.

The church looked pristine and clean in the December morning sunlight. Its been a while since I have come to Vallarpadam. Took some pictures and stayed around for a while.

Returned with the conviction, that faith meant, keeping our harmony with God and believing Lords Will will prevail in our lives. Lord is always merciful and compassionate.

Later in the day, the same thought, I shared with a grieving heart and I could feel the way Lord was using my conviction, to console.

Thank you Jesus, the way I felt, the satisfaction from the effort to touch a heart positively is my offering for my GOD for the day. You gave me the heart to do it.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Kochi Muziris Biennale


Kochi - Muziris Biennale for an average Malayalee like me is an opening to the world. To see, how artists around the world reflect on social, philosophica, spiritual issues.

Its my attempt to search for the theme at the various venues, art forms which reflect on the true liberation of a man's spirit with true knowledge.

The light of our heart!

What does our heart reflect, the light or darkness?

How come can a young man, kill 20 innocent children? Was he that bad? What brought him to such a frame of mind?

Does the belief that on December 21st the world is going to end, has anything to do with that young man's behaviour?

Ignorance of spiritual truth, can be destructive ?

Wednesday 12 December 2012


Wishing all my friends who are celebrating Channukh this week (December 8th to 16th) in the true tradition of Mother Mary a wonderful celebration. Just like Judith (Yahudith) was inspired by Yael, may we all be inspired during this festival of light, to live The way and to do everything possible by us for who are In The Way.

Sunday 9 December 2012


From the litte we have, how much we can give. "The widow, offered everything, all the little copper coins she had. Her only means of existence."

Whether it be money, thoughts or deeds, how come we have only little, when God has blessed each one equally with one or other talents to live with.

Ignorance that stop us from the true liberation, continuing being slave to our own unwanted thoughts, dogmas, philosophies....

The liberation, the freedom, from the belief, the Kingdom of God is in us, within, each one of us and that we should be a free soul to realize it and live it to spread our wings and fly.

So What is our call, to invite a soul to our religion, to our philosophy...our way of life.. or to help a soul to free itself from all its earthly bondage with true knowledge...:)

To be continued..:)

Monday 3 December 2012

Greetings of the Season

May all of Lord's creation, find Harmony in Him and enjoy, His goodness and wellness!