Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Thursday 30 August 2012


How is it possible to quench my thirst if I do not pull up the water from the well? Yes we do have to take the effort to pull up the water and we cannot expect anyone else to do that for us.

I was loosing sleep over a reaction and an  attitude of a person, on whom I had spent considerable time and spiritual energy to restore peace to that person's anguished heart. Lately, somehow, I had a feeling maybe the person is taking me for a ride, giving me all the attention to keep the friendship going but no honest like for the spirituality I was talking about hour after hour. I should admit here, this was just hunch of a feeling without any basis.

But the fact is it took on my heart like a wild fire, making me think wild thoughts and go sleepless. When it became unbearable, I took the matter to our LORD, and He advised me through James 2 where the Apostle warns against being prejudiced in treating people. Though he mentions there about treating people differently based on their appearance, I took it for a direct warning for me not to discriminate a mind baselessly. Then I am breaking the commandment of "love your neighbor".

I thought about it for a while, then I understood, why should I have even a need to think bad about someone, especially when I am not certain about the facts, then I knew am putting more of my intellect, more of me into the matter than the love of GOD. I should approach the issue with a subdued heart which is tamed in prayer and filled in love than the rash, sensitive worldly mind.

James 2:13

For GOD will not show mercy when He judges the person who has not been merciful: but mercy triumphs over judgement.

That set my mind free. The next time we met up, we got on like a fire as ever before.

Thank you my LORD for making me pull up the water from your ever full well of Wisdom.

Wednesday 29 August 2012


I somehow has the habit of being broke around festivals. This time too it was no different. As the day grew and the unusual rains on an Onam day dampened the spirit, I became a miserable wreck.

To you Oh! my LORD, I offer all those, who are lost and lonely, who have no one to speak to, no love and no where to go in these holidays, console us My GOD-Jesus, you who know what it means to be lonely and dejected.
Proverb 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know.
Remember the LORD in everything you do, and He will show you the right way.

Is this possible, to trust the lord with our everything and not really rely on our intellect?

Yes, its possible once we have lived a bit long and has seen the ups and downs of our life, we come to really believe our own intellect has let us down, our judgement has gone wrong over and over again making our lives a blunder and our work a laugh to the world. Then it become a habit for us to remember the lord in everything we do and we realize happily our efforts are finally becoming successful when the LORD lead us the right way.

Last Sunday I saw an young lady "waiting" on the LORD earnestly at Lady of Ransom, I could see she is dejected and sad, that there is something bothering her very much. What could that be, I did not know, but I was touched by her simplicity and truthfulness in the way she found solace and comfort in the LORD.

Whatever that is LORD, bless her and all the young ones like her with a mind to turn to You, not just at the time of their need but all the time and in everything they do for their happiness to be complete. May they get a love that complement their heart and may they burn like two candles in single flame, their light a joy and inspiration to all around them. Any woman, any man when they have such a love and joy in their heart, they could deal with any trouble in their life well. I believe so... Amen!   

Monday 27 August 2012

Habakkuk 3:17-19
Even though the fig-trees have no fruit
and no grapes grow on the vines,
even though the olive-crop fails
and the fields produce no corn,
even though the sheep all die
and the cattle-stalls are empty,
I will still be joyful and glad,
because the LORD GOD is my saviour.
The Sovereign LORD gives me strength.
He makes me sure-footed as a deer,
and keeps me safe on the mountains.

Well, happy relationships are very important in our lives. We all know that. But at times, no matter how hard we try or how best we love and give, others may not understand the spirit and earnestness behind it. Not that we expect anything in return, but wish they too realize how delightful it is to be joyful in the LORD, than to continue thinking in their own way which brought them to destruction.

So I tell my achy breaky heart, delight in the LORD if your love is not bearing fruits or the fields of "their" heart has no corn, give them their time, reign in your impatience and disappointment, they too will turn around for sure and will spread the sweet fragrance of their soul!

This was the beautiful message I got at  Lady of Ransom last Sunday when I off-loaded a heart load of disappointment and anger. :)