Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Proverb 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know.
Remember the LORD in everything you do, and He will show you the right way.

Is this possible, to trust the lord with our everything and not really rely on our intellect?

Yes, its possible once we have lived a bit long and has seen the ups and downs of our life, we come to really believe our own intellect has let us down, our judgement has gone wrong over and over again making our lives a blunder and our work a laugh to the world. Then it become a habit for us to remember the lord in everything we do and we realize happily our efforts are finally becoming successful when the LORD lead us the right way.

Last Sunday I saw an young lady "waiting" on the LORD earnestly at Lady of Ransom, I could see she is dejected and sad, that there is something bothering her very much. What could that be, I did not know, but I was touched by her simplicity and truthfulness in the way she found solace and comfort in the LORD.

Whatever that is LORD, bless her and all the young ones like her with a mind to turn to You, not just at the time of their need but all the time and in everything they do for their happiness to be complete. May they get a love that complement their heart and may they burn like two candles in single flame, their light a joy and inspiration to all around them. Any woman, any man when they have such a love and joy in their heart, they could deal with any trouble in their life well. I believe so... Amen!   

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