Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Potta Bible Convention January, 2010

The theme message from Fr. Mathew Naikcomparamabil in his talk during the Convention :

Just around the time, When Father Mathew and Panackal were doing there initial ministry at Potta, many mothers and wives used to come to them requesting prayers for the release of their sons and husbands from the bondage of alcoholism.

They used to pray and many of these were saved from the wicked bondage. But after two or three months, these men who are living in a world where these vices can be easily practiced will succumb to the temptations miserably and the cycle will repeat itself with the same mothers and wives coming to Potta requesting spiritual help.

As this went on, Fathers sought the divine advice and the message they got was:

No matter what ever be our sufferings, we have to offer them along with the sufferings of Christ Jesus to our Holy father for His mercy on thousands who are suffering the same pain, hurt etc.

Since our suffering in itself does not qualify for a reconciliation 'cos of our impure stage as humans, this offering has to be made along with Christ, Jesus's suffering.

This is an intercession in itself, without doubt this will bring us not only healing of our suffering but also grace and blessings for certain.

I have heard Fr.
Naikcomparamabil stressing this aspect in almost all his talks in recent years.

Tuesday 5 January 2010


In the last few months or so, I have spent quite a lot of time at the Lady of Ransom Church meditating and worshiping, just like many others who come there . There were few things that was on my mind , really bothering me. One was the fact the current economic recession, ate my job at Dubai, but I was not really bothered about the job situation as I had gone through similar situation earlier too in the last twelve or so years I was working there and has come out of it successfully with the grace of god. My worry was that , I had lost the urge to work .. to work for a company, to continue to be an accountant.

During my sessions at Lady of Ransom, my heart has cried out many times to take me there where God want me to go. A realm of activity which he has meant for me as I know with all my heart that my working days are over.

Ten months passed by, I had ran out of my reserves many times over and nothing happened. My own folks thought, I had gone nuts. Not applying for anything new, turning down offers from previous employers etc..

Then from the blues came a call from a college in the neighboring town, with an offer t o teach. Its only three days now, since I started teaching but I "Believe" my god knew better...:):):)

Indeed, I too was a beggar at His feet and I re-collect with a smile, how this woman in the picture was so confused, when she raised her hands upto me each time she saw me and I could give her only my best smile. She did not knew there was not much difference between she and me, both was at His mercy.

Sunday 3 January 2010

Way of life

The altar design today, Diamonds with sarees.
First Sunday of the New Year I went to Vallarpadam. As usual there were many by the Lady of Ransom praying their heart out. I feel sad at heart, not seeing them pray but the way they grieve inside. We can make out from their expression the kind of turmoil their souls are in.

Whenever I see such, my heart also goes out in prayer along with them, "May all of them, find the true peace, not just the solution for their current miseries, but the true peace and joy that the Lord has offered which no one can take away from them. May their heart be opened to receive such love and peace".
But the fact of the matter is the world is so devilish these days, even brothers and parents become enemies of each other, waiting for the chance to hurt and finding pleasure in others fall. The silent rage that boils inside of these unfortunate ones, which some times erupts violently and ends in tragedies.
Oh! god please guard and keep such, especially those who sought Your solace today at the Lady of Ransom.
Though I enjoys taking pictures very much, I was badly shaken during the prayers at church today, I could not enjoy much the sun set pictures I took today at Vallarpadm.

Friday 1 January 2010

New Year & Resolution

New year eve was flashy and noisy even at the suburbs of Kochi where I was at with few of my brothers sitting under the full moon, just talking. Way of life has changed everywhere, globalization has ensured, that certain things are practiced all over the world alike..:)

Talking about resolutions..A new calendar and new dairy, for sure to start the year.. loads to eat and drink on a new year eve for certain. But for someone who has found light in Jesus already what changes a new year day make..

So here is wishing you my friends, plenty of resolve and courage to walk the walk and smile the smile.. and the strength to get up each time u fall on The Way.

Appam was the specialty.. so was the roast beef with tender coconut. Both on x mas and new year eve.
Couldnt go to Mary at Vallarpadam on first day of the year, though.