Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Tuesday 5 January 2010


In the last few months or so, I have spent quite a lot of time at the Lady of Ransom Church meditating and worshiping, just like many others who come there . There were few things that was on my mind , really bothering me. One was the fact the current economic recession, ate my job at Dubai, but I was not really bothered about the job situation as I had gone through similar situation earlier too in the last twelve or so years I was working there and has come out of it successfully with the grace of god. My worry was that , I had lost the urge to work .. to work for a company, to continue to be an accountant.

During my sessions at Lady of Ransom, my heart has cried out many times to take me there where God want me to go. A realm of activity which he has meant for me as I know with all my heart that my working days are over.

Ten months passed by, I had ran out of my reserves many times over and nothing happened. My own folks thought, I had gone nuts. Not applying for anything new, turning down offers from previous employers etc..

Then from the blues came a call from a college in the neighboring town, with an offer t o teach. Its only three days now, since I started teaching but I "Believe" my god knew better...:):):)

Indeed, I too was a beggar at His feet and I re-collect with a smile, how this woman in the picture was so confused, when she raised her hands upto me each time she saw me and I could give her only my best smile. She did not knew there was not much difference between she and me, both was at His mercy.

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