Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Potta Bible Convention January, 2010

The theme message from Fr. Mathew Naikcomparamabil in his talk during the Convention :

Just around the time, When Father Mathew and Panackal were doing there initial ministry at Potta, many mothers and wives used to come to them requesting prayers for the release of their sons and husbands from the bondage of alcoholism.

They used to pray and many of these were saved from the wicked bondage. But after two or three months, these men who are living in a world where these vices can be easily practiced will succumb to the temptations miserably and the cycle will repeat itself with the same mothers and wives coming to Potta requesting spiritual help.

As this went on, Fathers sought the divine advice and the message they got was:

No matter what ever be our sufferings, we have to offer them along with the sufferings of Christ Jesus to our Holy father for His mercy on thousands who are suffering the same pain, hurt etc.

Since our suffering in itself does not qualify for a reconciliation 'cos of our impure stage as humans, this offering has to be made along with Christ, Jesus's suffering.

This is an intercession in itself, without doubt this will bring us not only healing of our suffering but also grace and blessings for certain.

I have heard Fr.
Naikcomparamabil stressing this aspect in almost all his talks in recent years.

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