Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Friday 25 December 2009


A house decorated with xmas lights....

A Star infront of a house.
An yellow chirstmas bloom on the gates of Vallarpadam.
Two generations walking in the rosary park.
How this was tied on the stays of the flag post, I do not know. It added some color to the Christmas morning.


Xmas morning shots in and around the church.


The new sub-station, that is coming up near the church.
The slabs for the rail road stalked among the grass on the way to church. Probably for the Vallarpadam container terminal rail.
The big grass on the way side, they were dancing beautifully in the christmas morning breeze.
The baked bricks, folks hardly use these kind of bricks these days, strong and sturdy they are old war horses indeed. Nostalgic too.
Grass blooms by the road, I found them very pleasant on my christmas morning trip.


A whole bunch of this beautiful wild flowers were hiding behind the giant cable wheel parked by the side of the road. I came across them accidentally.
I was so surprised... beautiful xmas blooms.
X'mas cake. God bless all those who shared their fortunes with others during these Xmas season. Humble are those who accepted those gifts with gratitude.
Home made delicacies.The flag post at Vallarapadam, So far I havent got a shot better than this.


Meenkashi Restaurant took a day off on X'mas.
The new church pier which is coming up. They have built it so tall, we can see these towers from any side of kochi.

Not much crowded today, folks were sleeping in after the late night at the church.
The lone star at the top of the church.


I could not make it to Vallarpadam for the christmas eve celebration. It was very beautiful indeed with lights and carols.
A beautiful crib outside the church. It might have been wonderful with decorative lights.
Infant Jesus at the crib. A lady kissing the baby Jesus.
7AM mass on christmas morning. Most of the parishoners came for the night mass. Only a few like me was there for the morning service.
Church looked beautiful in the morning light, the previous night it was brimming with folks who have gathered to celebrate the birth of Jesus.


The morning of chirstmas day. It was cool and mysty.
The picture of His grace Dr. Daniel AcharuParambil still adorns the street.
A man at work on Christmas day morning.
A peep view of the grass fields dancing in the morning sunlight.

The church on christmas day morning.

Thursday 24 December 2009


Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth "

Celebrating the birth of the ONE who saved us from "Ourselves and the world".

Somehow I am missing the soul of the celebrations as I know there are a few things in me, which I have to sort out myself.

Wishing you all My friends, a merry christmas, rejoice in the birth of our lord who restored our life for us.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Mouth watering

Mackrel and Sardines are a plenty catch here in this side of the Arabian sea. I dont think any Kochinier can resist the delicious frying smell of sardine and mackrel. Oh! its so mouth watering.
Most folks around Vallarpadam are sea-faring. Here is a picture of a boat named after Mary. These days, boat rides on Vembanad lake where the Vallarpadam island is, is a great tourist attraction.


Christmas is just round the corner. Everyone is busy shoping, buying gifts, sending cards.. but some how I miss the color.....:):):)

Sunday 20 December 2009


The last week was at the hilltop of Attapady, for a retreat. Beautiful sight to see the clouds nesting on top of the hills of western ghats. A peaceful soul searching contemplation, came back rejuvenated.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Our Lady of Hope, Vypeen

Our Lady of Hope, Vypeen is another famous church in Kochi, though not as old as the 'Our lady of Ransom, Church at Vallarpadam, it is also a few hundred years old.
Joseph Rosa on his blog has related the church beautifully, You can read more about our lady of hope from there and see some touching pictures of Kochi from another proud Kochinier.

St. Antony's Kaloor

For almost every Kochinier St. Antony's at Kaloor holds a special place in his heart. Now they have a web cast on the Tuesday Novenas which is indeed a help for all nostalgic Kochiniers staying away from their home town for their bread and otherwise.

I am particularly proud to note, they are maintaining the church and the food hall tidy.

Monday 30 November 2009


Any place of worship we go in India, we find a long line of disabled and sick men & women sitting on the road side requesting alms. Well at Vallarpadam too we have some. Unfortunately, I am not on their favorite list. They see me frequently coming to the church, but they know I do not give them anything. Last Sunday one of them was loud in expressing their feelings for me.

"God wont hear your prayers unless you give" That was their advice.

Thanks giving

At Vallarpadam, near the altar, some times we find "Bread offerings" made by grateful faithfuls for miraculous physical healing received. These breads will be in the shape of legs, hand or the whole human body itself, depending on the healing received.

Three months ago, my mother hurt herself on under her feet with a small thorn wound. Unfortunately it got worse with puss and we had to take her to hospital, where the young doctor cut out the affected part making it a gaping wound.

She was diabetic with a heart condition. It took two months to heal completely and all the while she was laid up pretty much depending on us for her daily needs. For us it was a testing period that all of us stayed together in love and took care of her patiently.

Thanks to His grace everything went well and she made a "bread offering" at Vallarpadam.

Indeed when we have troubles, the way we pray, the way we remain close to god is different. Wish we had the same intensity when things are good too.

Friday 20 November 2009


It was some time before mass on Wednesday evening, I was sitting on the bench near the main door of the church enjoying the silence and the solace when this grandma who was sitting in front of me turned back and asked me, "where can I meet the priest?".

Well it seemed she had an offering to make, thanks giving for sure, and she was visiting "Mother" with her two sons and their family. She gifted a gold chain and was happy when it was put on the likeness of Infant Jesus. She had her heart and eyes full.

I couldnt help thinking about the kind of frames of mind of those who gather there everyday to pray, some from the height of gratitude with offerings, some from the low of misery. Though I belonged to the latter some how I was happy at heart.

No gold, nor silver I have Mother,
Empty hands full with worries and anxieties,
But happy at heart, You taught me to understand,
And to use a blessing, when its granted.

Many a time, my cup was full and brimming,
But I was careless, spilled and ruined,
Only to understand later with regret,
It was your mercy, that I took for granted.

Now, among ruins am happy, more than ever,
You taught me in my fall, humility above all,
Keep the home and its bread, Here on my knees,
Lord, offering my heart with its flaws.

Phayan Cyclone

'Orange Level' was the warning that was issued for the cyclone that was developing strong in the Arabian Sea and moving towards the west coast of India. Though Gujarat and Maharashtra were the ones who were going to take most of the blunt force, we in Kerala was not that much worried still Vallarpadam Island being on the mouth of the Sea we were expecting some Gale force.

I was at the Meenakshi Restaurant at Vallarpadam around five in the evening when heavy winds and torrents of rain hit the island with a menacing force. I sat there sipping a hot tea listening to the very loud drumming of rain drops on the tin roof of the restaurant. As the minutes passed, drumming became violent we all started panicking.

The rain was getting stronger and wind was blowing harder. Through the grilled ventilation on the west wall the winds from the sea swept in the rain drops which was running down the wall wide and thick.

On that wall they had few power plugs where refrigerators and coffee machines were plugged in. All were drenched. We pulled out two and was little skeptical about the other as it was wet completely, when the rains slowed down suddenly and sky cleared.

For twenty minutes it was Phayan unleashed.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

HG Dr. Daniel Acharuparmabil

The Arch Bishop was there on Vallarpadam the week before Mary's birthday, September 24. On that special Sunday His Grace, adorned the blessed individuals whom the church honored with titles for their service to the society. They had a huge stage on the Rosary Park of Vallarpadam and the whole diocese came in procession from Ernakulam and Vypeen. By the time I reached there at Vallarpadam as the far end of the line, the place was so full, all I got was a distant glimpse of the Arch Bishop. I couldn't even take a picture. A miss indeed.

This picture I took when the flower decked vehicle carrying the body of His Grace was brought to the St. Mary's Cathedral around seven in the evening, it was a sad farewell for one of the most loved spiritual leader by one and every of his flock.

His Greatness was he used his faith, intellect, education and authority to be one among his flock in every way and lead from the front.

Farewell father, we will remember you and always thank Jesus for your humility and love.

Sunday 1 November 2009

How colorful is the me in your heart...

When more than anything else, we hold the peace of our heart, as the greatest wealth in this world even slight fall in the level of that peace hurts our rhythm. In the first place we came to value our peace from the bitter experience of our life, the bruises and hurt we received from pursuing happiness of the world, the unbelievable failures and disgrace.

The last two visits to Vallarpadam for me was very disappointing. I had a few things running in my mind which was having a negative impact on my being. Usually spending time with Mary at Vallarpadam calms me a lot, but this time the demons inside me seemed to be stronger. I left the church quickly on both the times, bit scared to sort out the "demon" myself and afraid I might wreck someone else's peace with my grubbiness.

Vallarpadam is the first church in the whole of Asia which is dedicated to the Holy Spirit. So no matter who we are and what we do, if we have the heart, Holy Spirit work in us while at Vallarpadam, no matter how strong and old our demons are.

We can never control what others think of us, how we live in their heart, sadly most of our worries and fears are just that, what others think of us, how we live in their eyes.

Well, I could only smile when I finally touched the thread of my own demon thought which was wrecking me for a few days. Its how we think of others, its how we deal with others that "should" matter to us than worry or fear about "us" in others heart.

We have only one commandment, which is to LOVE, if our thoughts and deeds are in that, we surely do not have any thing to worry. When this realization hit me, I could feel the delight of my peace returning and felt the sensation of the cool, clean feel of the floor at Vallarpadam on my feet.Those old stones are one heck of a touch...:))

The day was won at last! :)

Friday 30 October 2009

Mission feast Sunday at vallarpadam

Happy orchids from home garden.
The traditional Christian dress of Kerala Christians.
They were friendly and let me take their picture happily. Bless them in your heart, who all who see this picture. Thank you.
It runs with the wind, but my picture couldn't capture the rotating motion...:(( I should have, the thought came late..very very late.
Eye catchers on the way side..far behind is the Cranes at the work site of Vallarpadam Container Terminal.
The ever growing weeding in the south jetty of the church. "Kadavu". Time of the year for the weeds.
The Cruze on top of the church up close, I have to try this again on more clearer day, need to get it more clearer and more crisp..
Ever since I can remember that tree in front of the church was right there. May be from the time of Meenakshi Amma.... I should give the tree more camera time.. I guess it looks wonderful against the blue clear tropical sky.
The curator Roy, all smiles after the blessing of the boat. Behind him is the old fashioned toilet of the folks who come by boat. He is the one who tells me about the church , its history and the miracles that happen every week through the intercession of our Mother. The guys in the boat were curious to see a guy with a camera on the occasion of the blessing of their boat. The young man in the red T-shirt was really excited, I wanted to give them a print of the occasion, but they just disappeared after the event. Or should I say, I didnt go back looking for them to the jetty..:((
Quite unexpectedly came across the blessing of this fishing boat. The boats come on the south "kadavu" of the church, which is a bit of a walk from the church.
"Potti curry and Appam was the special delight from the food stall. For 20 bucks it was a treat, indeed!
The young priest of the church checking out a stall.
Another competition, probably they have to throw a ball at the steel glasses.
"Cuppela" in the morning light.
Pineapple in a stall.
Another, Bulls Eye!! Look how happy the kids are..:):)
The Sunday was the mission feast, more or less a parish get together. See how the young ones celebrate the occasion. Here some kids are getting ready for some popular competition where anyone who tries can win a prize.
The stairs of the church, which leads to the balcony on top. See, how blue is the blue of the window!
Another shot of the sunlight beautifully falling on the altar through the round ventilation from the east.
The old yellow Portuguese yellow glass on the window gleams in the morning sunlight.
There are two oil lamps on either side of the altar which exudes an old world charm and burns continuously throughout the day. Thanks to the young curator Roy who makes sure the lamp never runs out of oil.
Old stone vessel on the wall which holds the holy water.
Likeness of the Mother against the light from the window. Here the mother is depicted as the queen of the world with crown and all as in the revelations of John, but I like her the way she lived in the world, which made her the queen of the world, simple and close to God.
After the mass when the church cleared, folks from far, stayed back for those minutes of solace, when they offered their heart unto Lord. I love the way sunlight fall through the window on to the church floor. It makes me feel the way I feel on christmas, happy and sad at the same time, sad 'cos we know the day has to pass. As the sun move, light fades and it makes me strangely aware of the passing time...
The morning mass was serene as always, I stayed by the front door right in view of the main altar, it was a peaceful experience as always.
Usually folks do not wear shoes inside..the old flooring is always cool and neat. The church folks always keep it clean.
Church around 7am in the morning mist. Not a nice frame, the slope is in the frame not of the church ofcourse..:)
The morning of Sunday of 17th October was cool and pleasant. I wanted to reach the church earlier than 7 o clock, but with two buses and less frequency on a holiday morning, I was past seven. These big wheels of cable were parked on the side of the road to the church from Vypeen road, I stood by them enjoying the morning and the coolness before framing it.