Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 30 November 2009


Any place of worship we go in India, we find a long line of disabled and sick men & women sitting on the road side requesting alms. Well at Vallarpadam too we have some. Unfortunately, I am not on their favorite list. They see me frequently coming to the church, but they know I do not give them anything. Last Sunday one of them was loud in expressing their feelings for me.

"God wont hear your prayers unless you give" That was their advice.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary:)

    I am amazed at the wise words of the poor man - GOD WON'T HEAR YOUR PRAYERS UNLESS YOU GIVE.

    You know Jesus lived among the poor, worked miracles for the poor and hungry, selected poor fishermen as His disciples, and He Himself lived a very poor life.

    I am not rich. But whenever I can I give some money to deserving people. Yesterterday I was walking in front of Avenue Regent hotel on MG road in Kochi. One young fellow told me he is from UP and begged me to give some money for buying food. He even touched my feet. I felt very sorry for him and gave him Rs.10. I told him to go to Ernakulam market so that he can find some job.

    Have a wonderful day Mary:)

    Best wishes Mary:)
