Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Come to Pharaoh!

Most of the time, we run away from life and find pleasure in the solitude we find for ourselves far away from the realities. 

After sending down the seven plagues, the Pharaoh still has not come around to the idea of liberating the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Then GOD asked Moses to "...come to Pharaoh..".

Not just going there and physically assess the might and majesty of the power source of the enemy but to come to the soul and essence of the oppressor, which make him think and do what he is doing. 

Similarly we all have to get into the essence of our troubles, whether it be financial debt, unhappiness in relationship, joblessness, lovelessness etc.. 

Wishing you all the grace and strength "to come to your own emotional enemies." be a light for yourself and every one around you.

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