Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 28 July 2013


Most often hope is what keep us going, when everything looks blurry and at a loss.

I attended today a seminar concerning "Hermapollon".

Well, those are tales relating to my new subject in which I am still a baby to earn any money from. At the end of the seminar I had only few bucks which I paid for the bus, unfortunately the bus cancelled its trip midway and I had to walk back home. Some good kilometers!

Yes, life is strange, it make us go through all the twists and turns. Our consolation is the unity we have with the divine, which make us hope against hope.. Just like Mary and Joseph did, when they had to run away from their hometown to a distant and strange country, Egypt, where they had no friends or means. They survived.

I survived  the by day by offering the emotions to God.

PS: The Papyrus concerning Hermapollon was found somewhere in Egypt and it dates back to the 1st Century. A surprising coincidence though!

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