Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 15 July 2013

The call...

Mary was engaged to Joseph when she got pregnant and Joseph had nothing to do with it. 

The trauma and the tension Mary had to go through, from within her own father's home, neighbours and ofcourse her love Joseph's rejection,  once she decided to follow the way God has chosen for her.

Joseph, accepted her and in their life together Joseph did not had a reason to even think or suspect Mary as a straying woman. Mary's thoughts and deeds never gave a chance for it.

We all have to make some choices in our life according to our call. Some decisions may wreck the world around us for a while, but if we believe in the One who gave us the call and we have firm commitment to our call and goal, things has to turn around, just like it did for Mary and Joseph. 

I too have turned a turn, listened to call and decided to walk a path which is lonely and hard. At times, the disappointment and rejects is too hard to bear but I do believe my efforts will start bearing fruit soon.

May all those who have listened to the call of their heart in pursuit of career, life partner, place of stay or in whichever way, have the grace and strength to stay true to their call and walk till the end to achieve their goal. 

Surely success should be yours, ours! 

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