Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Thank you

Thank you God for the way I am feeling today. My gains and my loses. My happiness and My sorrows. 

You are the creator of Emotions too.  I offer unto you what I am going through this moment good or bad. I praise your majesty for being in everything, being everything. 

Thank you for giving me a heart to acknowledge it the right way.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Monsoon woes

For many years now, we had one coconut palm growing from our neighbours yard to over the roof of my house. In the last few years it has become so dangerous I had to request my neighbour to cut the palm down many times. But unfortunately he did not mind my requests some how.

Not only the danger, but also the tree dries that fell on our roof got so big and piled up, no matter how often I cleaned up, it had our concrete roof leaking!

A solution for this mess has been my prayer request for so many years now, but so far the situation continued getting worse everyday in the monsoon.

This year, the fellow got into trouble in other ways with authorities  and had to cut down not only the palm but also many other dangerously sloping trees in his yard.

An unbelievable miracle indeed for me.

Church in the Rain

The ground infront of the church has been levelled by the government and they are building many buildings facilitating the Port city concept. The big patch of still to process land infront of the church lay flooded in the heavy rain in the first week of the monsoon. 

Some pictures of Our lady of Ransom church in the monsoon. 

Empty church hall on a weekday during the heavy monsoon.
A creative mind did a wonderful job with the petitions laid before the lady of ransom.


Customarily, this year too the monsoon saw the trolling ban. Fishing in motorised boat is controlled, to protect the fish environment and also for the safety of fisher folks.

Pictures of the Boats that are moored at the "KADAVU" of Vallarpadam.

PS: Kadavu(Malayalam) = Jetty


 The monsoon 2013 has arrived in its full grandeur. Just as the summer was hot and bashing the monsoon too this year is "telling".
On a rainy day there is not much contrast in color, everything looks grey. Here is a picture of the church on a rainy day. Not many were around on the weekday morning when I went there in the rain.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Mind's eye

For some reasons my style of personal prayer has changed. I like these days to sit quietly and meditate. Opening the minds eye and let the soul experience the being and the universe.

I have been reading more about Siddharth Gautam Buddha, the prince of Kapila Vastu.  Indeed, it has influenced me alot. The style of opening mind's eye.

The way Jesus used to spend a lot of time in meditation and prayer. It's upto us to follow His steps and find out how He organized His thoughts and dealt with it to help ourselves.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Vasco Da Gamma

Last month we celebrated the 525th anniversary of the arrival of Vasco Da Gamma. Without the Portuguese influence, there would not have been the Church at Vallarpadam and also many other churches in and around Kochi.

It make one wonder why Portuguese had such a strong faith in Mother Mary.  They had built a church and honored the faith and celebrated their resort in Mary in all the lands they have shored. 

It was one heck of a sailing which Vasco Da Gamma in his ship Sao Gabriel undertook along with the fleet he lead to reach India. The turks  have blocked the other route to India, and the Europeans were desperate to find another sea route to the East for trade. That is why he took the risk upon the command of his King John II of Portugal to find the spice route. 

To sail around of Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa was a nightmare. Only the severest of faith can help a man from despair and destruction. Such was the bad weather in the channel of Mozambique. It was the faith of Vasco Da Gamma and the other sailors and their resort to Mother Mary which helped them survive the ordeal and let them sail through the coasts of Mozambique, Mambosa and Milindi, from there all the way across the ocean to Calicut favoured by the current and the Monsoon. 

On May 28th, 1498, Vasco Da Gamma, stood in front of Zamudiri (Zamorin) not as a conqueror but with all the humility of a trader asking permission to trade in the King Zamorin's land. 

Rest is history.