Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 22 April 2013


Remember to keep the Lord's day Holy. Six day work and one day for the Lord. In effect that is basically resting ourselves, a need if we want to do our next six days well.

Usually, on Sundays I go off to some church and spend the day there. Lady of Ransom is my favorite, but its crowded often, making it impossible for us to spend quiet time there for long.

This Sunday I spent at home, cleaning up my Pooja Room and then later on, with God. Sadly there is no escape from the heat and the mosquitoes. We just have to bear them, unless we are rich enough to aircondition our home or to have mosquitoe nets on all the windows and doors.

While going through the old boxes I found these beautiful frames. The holy family and that of Mary.

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