Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Thursday 29 November 2012

True offering

Micah 6“What shall I bring when I come to Yahweh and bow down before God the most high? Shall I come with burnt offerings, with sacrifices of yearling calves? 7Will Yahweh be pleased with thousands of rams, with an overabundance of oil libations? Should I offer my firstborn for my sins, the fruit of my body for my wrongdoing?”
 8“You have been told, O man, what is good and what Yahweh requires of you: to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

One of my best friends, a hindu, survived a tumour in his brain. He and his family had thanks giving offerings to make at many temples. When he went to the Meenakshi Ammen temple at Madurai, he asked me to accompany him. For me, it was one wonderful chance to visit the old city of temples and to see the art and culture of that dearly beloved historical town once more.

While being there, I was fondly reminded of the rich spiritual tradition our country has.How much of importance and significance we Indians give to stay close to God and remain spiritually clean.

Yes, indeed, What Micah 6 : 8 reveals is very true, what our God our Lord want from us is to be just and compassionate and walk humbly with God.

All the faith and religion is solely for this purpose, we will learn with experience of compassion. No amount of rituals or practices or fasting wont save us unless and until our mind accept that truth and delight in it.

The picture is that of an young bride, who got married at the temple when I was there. May all her wish come true and she be happy. Or rather May she have the grace and wisdom to be happy no matter what life bring for her.  

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