Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Thursday 20 May 2010


The Malayalam month of "Edavam" is on giving us a much needed escape from the burning heat of "Medam". Though we cannot expect rains till the middle of Edavam ( Edava paathi) it rained like the monsoons today.
I was reading "David" from Samuel when the rains knocked the power off. When I found a torch this was the page that lay opened in the Bible I was reading.

Did not go much to Lady of Ransom in the last few weeks, for the first time in all these years I suffered a severe sunburn, forearms were completely inflamed. The last of my uncles, whom I visit every Sunday fell ill and he was so weak, we had to help him even to toilet. Life is a cycle, if we live long one day if we are lucky we too have nephews and nieces who will help us with our needs and say words of peace to us..:)

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