Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 24 May 2010


Most of the the time we have to stand alone in our life not on podiums or between waring fractions (those are for the ones who are born to lead or for the ones who want to be a "star"), but in our simple day today life. In the way we think, in the way we do ordinary things. The Gift of the spirit is perhaps the greatest of gifts one can have when one choose to walk The Way.

Last Sunday was the Pentecost. At lady of Ransom, the church being dedicated to the Holy Ghost, the feast was special. I stood "out" in the courtyard under the big tree near the school all through the service. Feast days are very crowded at the lady of Ransom.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,greetings and good wishes:)

    Well, you know what I do on days that are crowded in the Church. I go 10 or 15 minutes early and take a comfortable place as close to the altar as possible so that I can witness the Mass without any obstruction.And of course, I see to it that I am under a fan.

    Perhaps you can try it out next time and see if you like my suggestion.

    Pentecost is a great feast and one the fundamental tenets of our belief. We all hope to rise up once again and go to God's Paradise and live in eternal happiness just as Adam and Eve lived before they sinned.

    Best wishes:)
