Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 29 March 2020

Urbi et Orbi

On Friday, 27th March, 2020, Pope Francis gave the world a special blessing, Urbi et Orbi which is practised only on Christmas and Easter, standing in the middle of the empty St. Peter's Basilica Square, alone under the temporary canopy while it rained steadily. As the Corona situation continues and getting worse in Italy and around the world, the whole country was under a lock down which kept the people away from the square. 

Dear Pope Francis, thank you for your spiritual leadership and for that wonderful feeling of being United with Christ and the God, along with you, the representative of the Apostolic spiritual chain of our generation. 

We Pray, God, all we longed for is the union with you through our Lord Jesus Christ. Please don't let the anxiety and the fear of the present time affect the peace and Joy we enjoy through that Union. Our only treasure and keeping in this world. 

May Your will be done....

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