Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 16 March 2020

Corona Sunday

The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 as Pandemic. Wuhan, the city in China, where the Virus originated has been ravaged by the epidemic bringing that country to a standstill. In this new world of global economy and interactions, our own people who were in that city brought the virus to our country. It was bound to happen, the way world is interconnected now and it has happened. The precautionary measures taken by our state government helped to contain the virus to a very limited incidence. Still, precautionary measures meant avoiding public contacts among humans as the virus is spread from human to human.

Basilica at Vallarpadam

The empty Church

Its not often we see our Basilica without any pilgrims
I was coming to Mary and Meenakshi Amma after almost two months, being away on the east coast for work. To offer a mass in mother tongue is always very engaging. Tthe masses were cancelled except the morning and the evening ones. 

My God, help us contain the virus, may it not spread in our land and every country. Give us the forbearance to do things the way it is to be done to get rid of this disease. May all those who are in the frontline to fight the disease be blessed, the medical staff, hospital employees, government authorities, the transporters, policemen and everybody associated with the program, may all those and their families reap the benefit of serving the mankind at the time of this historic and disastrous pandemic. 

We pray for the grace to be by You, never to loose hope and faith. 

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