Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 28 October 2018

Last Sunday in October

Nellore St. Joseph's catholic cathedral church.
My classes here are about to finish. The subject I teach is almost over.
Since I came to Nellore immediately after the Kerala flood I retuned home only once. Its been so many weeks since I went to Mary at Vallarpadam.
Yes I miss Vallarpadam but not God. God is always with in us no matter where we are. Yes certain place help us to connect with Him more.
Thank you my lord for the wonderful opportunity to be in the village where you sent me. Bless me with the grace to do well what you have sent me to do. Help me to be useful to the people I come across. Never let me go to stray away from you.

Bless everyone Jesus who are in similar situation, struggling with life to make ends meet still enjoying the near finishes and misses.

Bless you my lord!

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