Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Wednesday 14 September 2011


The highs and lows in life is inevitable, ofcourse, but how does a man who has found peace through Jesus deal with it. How should his outlook be like, no matter which phase of life he is on. I guess, his peace should remain the same, his thought should remain the same, he should be still thanking the god for whatever he is going through, high or low.

Recently, I lost a friendship, a friendship I had in the peace of the lord. Our situations had changed drastically, I had fallen in life materially, he had gone up. While I could be happy about his success as if it was my own, he felt I was not in the league any more..:)

Thank you lord, for teaching me that its not me, but YOU who owns my life, whatever happens in this life, happen with your permission and I have to accept it graciously. Though I am not successful to live that thought always, thank you for the times I have lived it.

This picture was taken while I was in Dubai. Over the years it has become dear to me, it reminds me of the lesson God has taught me, to be humble in your victories just as you are humble in your failure.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    A friendship which is based on monetary considerations and position in life is not a friendship at all. It is good you lost that friend. I think friendship should be based on respect for one another,understanding, appreciating and to stand by one another in times of trials and tribulations, up and downs of life is real friendship.

    Lovely photo.

    Best wishes,
