Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Monday 31 May 2010

Vanaka Maasam

The end of May. The month of special reverence of our "Mother". We call this "Vanaka Maasam". Vanakam means revering, maasam is month. Earlier, when life in our place was "still" we celebrated the closing of the revering month with crackers and special feast. But not any more. Only few crackers were heard this month end. We ourselves did not celebrate it.

Times Change.

A scholarly gentleman whom I met today surprised me with an out of the box definition for professionalism. "Its the ability to put the right amount of skill and talent to deal with a situation in the best possible way".

If thats true, are we professionals in dealing with our own life?


Monday 24 May 2010


Most of the the time we have to stand alone in our life not on podiums or between waring fractions (those are for the ones who are born to lead or for the ones who want to be a "star"), but in our simple day today life. In the way we think, in the way we do ordinary things. The Gift of the spirit is perhaps the greatest of gifts one can have when one choose to walk The Way.

Last Sunday was the Pentecost. At lady of Ransom, the church being dedicated to the Holy Ghost, the feast was special. I stood "out" in the courtyard under the big tree near the school all through the service. Feast days are very crowded at the lady of Ransom.

Friday 21 May 2010

The man

Psalm 30:
"1(29) I will praise you because you have freed me. Nothing is definitive in this life. The Lord alternates joys and sorrows according to what we need for the development of our faith. We are, at times, surprised: the trials discourage us as if God no longer existed, and when God gives favors, we dare not believe them to be true".

Thursday 20 May 2010


The Malayalam month of "Edavam" is on giving us a much needed escape from the burning heat of "Medam". Though we cannot expect rains till the middle of Edavam ( Edava paathi) it rained like the monsoons today.
I was reading "David" from Samuel when the rains knocked the power off. When I found a torch this was the page that lay opened in the Bible I was reading.

Did not go much to Lady of Ransom in the last few weeks, for the first time in all these years I suffered a severe sunburn, forearms were completely inflamed. The last of my uncles, whom I visit every Sunday fell ill and he was so weak, we had to help him even to toilet. Life is a cycle, if we live long one day if we are lucky we too have nephews and nieces who will help us with our needs and say words of peace to us..:)