Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Saturday 16 April 2022

Easter Greetings

 The disciples of Jesus waited behind the closed doors of their temporary home in Jerusalem. Their master, the one they loved very much, was arrested and pronounced guilty of sedition and blasphemy by the religious court; the death sentence was approved by the Roman Governor and their master was crucified to death. Before they had the time to understand what is going on, their master was dead and hurriedly buried in a cave tomb. 

They were now waiting for the Sabbath to get over to return to the tomb to complete the anointing of his body which they could not complete on the day He died. On that fateful Friday Sabbath was already upon them when the Romans took the dead bodies down from the crosses and they hardly got the time to prepare Jesus's body for burial before it was placed inside the tomb. Everybody left in a hurry to start the Sabbath hoping to return early on Sunday morning to complete the anointment. 

Our heart goes out to the disciples and the women who were with them, especially Mary of Magdella, when they stood outside the tomb grieving while the lifeless body of their master lay still inside the tomb. The still body of their Master, who was their world and life for nearly three years. 

As their grief grew deep they couldn't help but think about the injustice of it all; their master being accused of a baseless accusation and being killed unlawfully on the day of Pessach. They were simple fishermen and workmen from Galilee with no connections or friends at higher levels of their society to appeal for help. Their helplessness added to their misery. No matter how deep their sighs were and how long their tears ran down, none of them, absolutely no one among them had any idea of what they are going to feel when the day broke after the Sabbath.

Are you ready?

Easter greetings, my friend. 

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