Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Friday 12 November 2021

November Thoughts

Life is slowly coming back to normal after the curbs of the pandemic lock down is being eased and lifted. Though the restrictions are still on in public spaces caution has become more personal. Wearing double mask, maintaining social distancing, using hand cleansers...
Those of us who used to find our bread from crowd based industries like Tourism, Event Management etc. the work is yet to pick up. 
Nostalgic November brought the candles back to our lives with many being lit at the tombs. I enjoy lighting them at dusk and dawn when the darkness move to light and light to darkness. Twenty minutes or so of the change over and the candles do glow beautifully when the darkness sets in early and stays longer in the month of November when we remember our dead. A pack of this thin and small candles were just right with its twenty minutes light and perfectly fit our budget with 32 a piece per pack for Rs.60. With the opening up after the lock-down their prices went up to Rs.80.
As our income did not improve life is demanding many sacrifices in the form of abstinence from unwanted expenses to maintain the most wanted. Its interesting how our society copes with maximum for some and minimum for others in their way of life. But it has been so in all the generations. We read about it in detail in the Gospel how a few in the Roman society lived and how Jesus became dear to the other half who were poor, helpless and needy. No wonder, our closeness to God has improved during these tiring times, just like those miserable in the mighty and opulent Roman Empire. 

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