Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 12 April 2020

Happy Easter!

Wish you all the unbridled joy of Easter. Recalling to mind the happiness of Magdalene when she saw the risen Christ who was taken away from them on the Night of Thursday and killed on Friday. The last time she saw Him was on the cross and in Mother Mary's arms as they prepared Him to be buried. Lost and lonely, they spent the entire Sabbath thinking about every moment He had spent with them, sobbing with every breath in grief, disappointed at the lost. Perhaps, they might have remembered what He told them about the resurrection after three days, but to believe it or to even expect it under the political and spiritual set up they were in might have been stretching it too far.

Hence, her Joy on seeing Jesus. To think about her Unbridled Joy of seeing Jesus again, that He has Risen from the dead, that Father, the Creator, has glorified Him just as he glorified the Father,  is a blessing. From her, the apostles heard the news and was overjoyed, though some doubted, still it was a source of big comfort for them since Thursday night.

We stand in this generation as part of that long spiritual Chain, who has felt that same unbridled joy in the rising of the Christ, which Magdalene has felt, the apostles have felt,  the disciples who accepted Jesus's way through them have felt and all those over the generation who have walk in Jesus's Way have felt.

As mere humans and simple lifers of our present time, the everlasting and ever constant Easter is our only true joy which we hold in our heart as our treasure.

May what is written for us, fall on us in these times of Corona,  let us be joyful in our Lord, as long as we are here.

Thank You Magdalene, we share your joy and hold you in our hearts as our own. 

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