Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 5 November 2017

Sr. Rani Maria

A board announcing the beatification of Sr. Rani Maria and the celebration at her home parish St. Thomas church at Pullavazhi. 

My late mother had talked about her a lot and had told me the incident that led to her death which was shared by a priest at the Potta Ashram. Since it happened so far away, the newspapers did not had much details about it then.  We were quite taken aback by the brutal killing and the disastrous impact it had on our thoughts about the fate of all those involved in the mission work in the Tribal areas. I had meditated over her life very deeply and was touched by the mission life of this humble and simple sister from a small village of Kerala with whom I could connect very well as we knew some sisters personally who had dedicated their lives for similar missions. 
The last few years, after her beatification process was started I haven't thought much about Sister Rani Maria. 
Last Friday afternoon,  on 3rd November, while I was taking a nap after a long forenoon work, I dreamed of Sr. Rani Maria, coming to me and sitting by my bedside and asking me about a very personal issue which was bothering me and she put a cross on my forehead while looking deeply into my eyes, my soul. 
I didn't knew which sister it was, but the next day when I went to my parish there was a picture put outside the church announcing the beatification of Sr. Rani Maria. You could imagine my surprise, when I realised it was the same sister who had visited me on the previous day. 
Dear Sister, thank you very much for visiting me, you certainly know how much we have thought and remembered you in our prayers immediately after your death , when your death was just a small letter news item in the National page of our local dailies. But for us your life mattered even then as it is now. We were truly elated when your sister visited the man who killed you and tied "Rakhee" on his hand.  There were many who thought about you then, I am sure, I pray they too might have had a similar beautiful experience. 
Incidentally, my mother's seventh death anniversary was today, a day after Sister's beatification. 
So long, darlings...till we see again!

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