Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Friday 31 March 2017

The tree

The March equinox with equal measure for day and night has brought a heat wave to our town. Even the table we are using inside our homes is hot from the sun.
The tree infront of the church has branched out dangerously that they decided to cut it down. The tree is very old 100+.
All our memories about the church have that tree. I have stood under that tree on a festival day some thirty years back with my Grand Mother.

St. Joseph

Last week I struggled emotionally. I survived it with prayer and worship. Soon after a postgraduate batch from my college came to my hometown and I got to spent a  lot of time with them showing them around my hometown. The day made me very happy.

Being the month of St. Joseph, I should admit, I have not spend much time this month meditating on St. Joseph, the bread winner and caretaker of the loved ones. I got a wonderful opportunity to pass by Lady of Ransom on a week day , this picture I took while I was there. The church looked divine with splendid sunlight and cool breeze. The St. Joseph there, brought back the thought of the holy Family.

Lent is progressing.

Friday 24 March 2017

The vine Tree

My worries were getting stronger and I had to find some time with the Lord to calm myself and get my bearings right. Sooner the better.

Unfortunately, too many things happened too quickly and I was not able to bear it.

These three readings, helped me back to senses.

The recent peak time jobs had robbed from me the time to pray as I used to. My spiritual energy level was very low. Lack of praise and worship had taken me away from the Vine and as a branch I could not survive when life brought some not so pleasant surprises.

Secondly, as the proverb said, some are rewarded for the good words as some are rewarded for the work of their hands. Mine is indeed the good words. But how can the good words come when our mind itself is in trouble. By being away from the Lord pulled out from my mind the font of good thoughts.

Psalms 131 was a clear reminder, trust in the Lord like Children. Just be cool and do not pretend to be anything more than what you are.

And who are you?

Just a donkey, Jesus, sat on. ...

Thank you.

Good words

Proverbs 12:14
.  One can be filled with good as the result of one's words, and one gets the reward one's deeds deserve.

Psalms 131

Psalm 131:2
.  No, I keep myself calm and quiet, like a little child on its mother's lap- I keep myself like a little child.

Psalm 131:1
.  A song of ascents. By David: ADONAI, my heart isn't proud; I don't set my sight too high, I don't take part in great affairs or in wonders far beyond me.

Psalm 131:3
.  Isra'el, put your hope in ADONAI from now on and forever!

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Monday 20 March 2017


Troubled and worried.
For no reason.
Cannot think right.
As the Lent is progressing, all the wrong reason to go the wrong way.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Woman's Day

What else to be said, when we have Mary as our everything.

Always on our mind

Some day our dreams and hopes will come true and be fulfilled.
Thank you My Lord !

Saturday 4 March 2017

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