Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Sunday 5 April 2015


Nothing moved on Sabbath. They had to wait till Sunday morning. As soon as it was time, the three Mariam's went to the tomb. They found Jesu's tomb open. They could not find the body in it, they came early as they had to walk away a day ago in a hurry after burying Jesus towards the end of the preparation day. 

Mariam's miserably sad plight, her helplessness, her silent fury, when she thought those who have killed Him has now taken his body away too and there is  nothing she could do against it. She is grief stricken so much so that she did not even look up to the man who walked up to her silently. She thought he was the gardener. She replied to him rather mechanically when he asked her "Woman, why are you crying?"

We too go through this phase in life. When we are helpless and powerless to react to certain events in life, we live through it rather mechanically. We have to, to survive. 

Imagine, Mariam's joy, when she recognizes the voice which calls her by her name, "Mariam". She turns around and find Jesus standing infront of her, alive. 

Her heart goes out, when she calls out "Rabboni" in sheer delight and disbelief. 

For me, this is my Easter. Sheer delight, that my absurd impossibility could be changed in a moment to an everlasting glory. The one who we believes in, for Him its possible.

So we keep running, without knowing, with all our might to the tomb like Peter and John when Mariam told them that she saw Him alive. They just could not help running to their Rabboni, to see for themselves with their own eyes, that  He has overcome death.  

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