Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Saturday 19 November 2011

Safe Crossing

I've a friend at Lady of Ransom, who help around with the church everyday. He is part of the church in a very special way and spends his day mostly at the church. He gets a small salary for that. Inspite of his close association with God, like all of us, he kept worrying about his family, how he will educate his children, how he would meet the expenses of running a family, what will his family do if he died suddenly etc.

Though he had shared his anxieties with me many times, I was not in a position to help him financially, though I tried strengthening him and his faith.

John 1:12 "..but all who have received him
he empowers to become children of God
for they believe in his Name."

If Children of God could not live well, who else will live? So the problem here could be, I thought, how much we want to put our faith in God, that He will be part of our everyday lives in leading and guiding us, in earning bread and meeting our deadlines. I could identify myself with my friend's situation as I too had failed in leaning on God in all situations. Life, as we live longer, teach us its possible and its true that God indeed help the faithful in everyday chores. So I kept telling my friend one day you will be surprised to see how much God does for his Children.

Few weeks ago when I went to Lady of Ransom, he came running to me to share the good news that an American who was visiting the church offered to sponsor his children's education.

A miracle indeed. Hundreds visit the church everyday, how come my friend get to talk to this very man who was actually looking out for an opportunity to lend a helping hand.

God knows what we want and is willing to help if we are willing to give ourselves to him- our "fancy" intellect and all. The process is a joy too and sometimes it can become an addition..:):)

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting story. Surely, God has worked a miracle in his life. I would also suggest that he look around for an additional job and I am sure the parish priest will not mind. I always believe GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES.
