Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Thursday 30 September 2010

Marian Tower dedication

There was a travel mart Exhibition going on at Bolghatty for which I wanted to go to very badly but could not. So when the bus I was traveling from Ernakulam reached the Bolghatty stop I leaned across from where I was sitting to have a look at the way to the exhibition ground. It was then I saw this rather tall girl in green salwar standing in the front of the bus.

When the bus reached the Church stop, most of the passengers from the bus got down, since it was the Sunday after the feast (Which was on a working day) lot of devotees were visiting the church and the bus when it stopped had created a mild road block too. I got down through the back door and crossed over to the other side. When I reached the other side and looked back at the bus, I saw this girl in the green salwar lying flat on the hot sun-scorched road senseless and some fellow church goers running up to her.

While she was crossing over to the other side of the road to the church by the front of the bus a biker who came up from behind the bus without seeing her, rode straight into her. Who ever were around her, ran up to her, tried to lift her up, but she remained unconscious, with no power in her limbs. I feared something worse, and stood watching motionless from where I saw her first.

Surprisingly after a few minutes, we all sighed a huge relief when she responded, actually it was the fear and the shock from the hit that made her go numb. Except for a few bruises on her forearm there was no other serious injury. I hope.

Lady of Ransom church, freshly painted for the feast. The first shot of the new towers after its completion. The towers were dedicated today.

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