Reliving the Meenakshi Amma Experience of faith..

Saturday 24 July 2010


The road is long and lonely....Oh! my spirit, please do not leave me alone.


  1. Hello:)

    Greetings and good wishes:)

    Very interesting thoughts.

    But I would like to think that the road is not long and lonely if I have a worth while goal, am aim to pursue. No one feels lonely who have a firm belief in God, our Creator, who has a definite purpose in sending us into this earth for a short while. A person who is constantly busy in things at hand has no time to think about loneliness. When a person is young he or she thinks the road is long and lonely when a person is old,he or she thinks that life is very short.

    I also used to think the same way as you do when I was young. Now that all my children are grown up and stand on their own legs, I thin my life has been very short and I want to be young again and go through all the challenges once again. There were moments of thrills, joys, happiness,excitement,gladness,achievement, success mixed with trials and tribulations, sufferings, misery, loneliness, failures,fears,agony,despondency and so on. Yet I assure you life is beautiful. Get busy with what you have in hand and live in the present.Satan is always there to put negative thoughts in a persons mind continuously and he never rests for a moment. Prayer helps.

    Avoid negative thoughts like you avoid the devil and avoid negative people. Don't take criticism to your heart and suffer unnecessarily. You do your best and God will do the rest.

    I am not trying to give any advice but these are some thoughts that came to my mind.

    The photo is interesting and truly speaks of your thoughts.I think you took it while crossing the railways tracks under the rail over brige.

    Have a lovely day:)

  2. Thank you Sir Joseph, inspiring thoughts indeed.
